Thanks again for serving our country and for your interest in the Oregon Construction Craft Laborers Apprenticeship Program.

Thank you for serving our country! If you are active duty, or have separated from the military within the last 24 months and have completed at least 178 days of active service, you can apply to the program at any time. You must meet our minimum qualifications and meet one of the following conditions:

  • Members of the Regular Services who have been discharged from active duty service with a DD214 issued within the past 24 months indicating an Honorable Discharge;
  • Members of the Selected Reserve or Individual Ready Reserve with a DD214 issued within the past 24 months; or
  • Members of the Oregon National Guard with a DD214 issued within the past 24 months.

If you qualify, we can place you at the top of our out-of-work list and streamline the process for you to get your career started. You may qualify for advanced placement in the program based on your experience in the military. Be sure to provide a copy of your DD 214 and a description of your MOS during your time served. Many soldiers qualify for up to 50% completion!

Our program is familiar with the Veterans Administration and can provide guidance on some of the benefits available to you as an apprentice in our program. We encourage you to watch the orientation videos on this site to learn more about our program. Once finished, complete the online application. Our program staff will contact you within a few days to discuss the next steps.